SPM’s For Pressing Application
- Simple compact / complex machine building & completely automated Servo Press system.
- Pneumatic/ Servo drive assisted fixture or pressing tool slide to cater application requirement.
- Automatic fixture change over arrangement to accommodate multi models.
- Have built Simple machine such as bearing / seal press machine to complex in line VSVG/ Core plug pressing machines.

Bolt Pressing Machine
- Fixture rotation arrangement for pressing bolts one by one
- Pneumatic assisted slide to the fixture enabling to save the cycle time by loading at alternate stations

VSVG, Welch Plug Press Machine
- Complete pressing station with peripheral conveyor modules
- Total 72 pressing operations using only 04 No’s of servo presses
- Servo motor assisted individual Z-Y movement to the pressing spindle for one by one child part pressing

Press With Sliding Fixture For Gantry Loading
- Servo assisted slide to the fixture for ease of component loading by gantry
- Auto bush dispensing arrangement